Thursday 3 July 2014

iPads... how do you use them?

Well, we've had our 12 iPads for a little while now, and to be honest, we're getting pretty handy at them.  We've been using them (along with the foundation students) in all areas of class.  We've taken plenty of photo's (Mr Lorback might think too many) around school, on excursions, in class, you name it.  We've been practicing our placemat words, our hand writing, reading and maths.  We've created buildings, ebooks, mixed up crazy animals and even some videos.  We've been able to produce class resources together, even from different iPads at the same time!

We've had plenty of fun whilst secretly learning heaps and thought we should share a bit of our work and some of our favourite apps with everyone.

Grandparents Day
(note, the below book only displays one page at a time, not double page spreads, so some pages are a bit out of whack)

Click on the links to downloads some other examples of our work!

Grandparents Day

Our Class

For a look at some of the Apps we're using click on the 'iPads' page above or click here.

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